Canada Makes America's Top 10 Terror List

The Harpoville Post reports that America's Ten 10 Terror List are out and Canada squeezed in at number 10, a first for this country. Canada has long felt ignored by its neighbour to the south but, now it has something to both cheer and fear about. And, with America's long history of invading countries it suspects of harboring terrorists should Canada expect an invasion anytime soon?
The Harpoville Post has learned that "The Terrories", as they're called in Washington are picked through a long, slow arduous process performed by long, slow and arduous Republician politician who are usually long past their usefulness in Washington but, still on the payroll. Reports have it that Canada's new Conservative party is both shocked and awed at the nomination. Since being elected the Harpo Government has worked non stop to ensure fear and confusion throught out Canada to help establish closer ties to G.W. Bush so they are both pleased with the recognition but, also fearful of it's meaning.
The Harpoville Post spoke to an un-named government official who had this to say, "We're pretty happy at Canada making the Top 10 but, also a little afraid of the outcome. I understand that Prime Minister Harpo is putting together a rather large compensation package to give to the Americans for our gratitude but, also to remind them we are honored but, completely sub servant and beholding to George Bush and his great country to our south."
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