Harper Sleeps as Plane Picks up The Lucky 100

"But, leaves 29,900 Canadians behind looking for their own way out"
The Harpoville Post reports as Prime Minister Harpo's plane arrives in Lebanon to airlift 100 card carring Conservatives to safety many more sit waiting with no food, water and electricity in a war zone the P.M. himself supports. As Harpo faces growing damnation from the 800,000 Muslims in Canada for his support of Israel's actions in their relentless mass elimination of Lebanon the P.M. decided to squeeze one more photo opportunity into his week long trip abroad.
The Harpoville Post has learned that the Prime Minister has decided to sleep off a heavy night of French bubbly and stay secluded on his plane while his people pick and choose who the lucky ones will be to ride with Harpo back to Canada. Word has it Harpo freed up the extra seats by leaving behind Canadian officals in Paris for an extended holiday.
The Harpoville Post reports that Canadians in Lebanon have had a hard time getting any response from the Canadian Embassy in Beirut who have reportedly stopped answering their phones and are looking for a way to safe themselves from the war zone Israel has caused and Harpo supports.
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