They're Bombing The Beaches of Beirut

"So I bebop'd to Bombay"
The Harpoville Post
The Harpoville Post reports Israeli's desire for more has increased with Lebanon's kick at their kan. It seems the best way to stir up a thick Israeli soup is swip a soldier or two. Palestine started it and Lebanon followed suit now if Egypt, Jordan and Syria all Muslim states, joined hands that would make for quite a hoe-down.
The Harpoville Post has learned that war is a disease and spreeds like a cancer. G.W. Bush decided that Afghanistan, one of the poorest countries in the Middle East, was the home of 9/11 terrorists, though 90% of them hailed from Saudi Arabia, so he decided to go in and kick their butt, but, half way through that he decided to go kick Sadam's butt, but, that hasn't worked out so well either. It seems kicking Middle Eastern butt is much easier with paper and pen in a nice air conditioned war room than it is once you send in the troops and the rubber hits the, the, the sand. You see, that's all they got there is sand which makes it difficult to blow up but, easy to hide bombs in.
The Harpoville Post reports that Israeli's right to show military might was much easier in the good days before words like Holy War were thrown around. Back in the 1970's when slapping the shit out of Beirut was an everyday occurrence now, it doesn't look so good when you'd rather send in your troops than pick up a phone. I mean where'd they learn that trick from? O'yea America. But, you see America's stretched to the limit at the moment they got Congressional elections coming up and you don't want to come off 'too' war happy during election time. So, if the Middle East decides to circle Israeli's wagon I don't think G.W. is going to be in such a hurry to send in the Calvary.
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