FBI Foil Plot to Flood The Big Apple
"Blowing up the Holland Tunnel would have left N.Y. bobbing for apples"
The Harpoville Post reports that the FBI released they have uncovered a dangerous plot to sink the Big Apple by blowing up the Holland Tunnell. As the world looks towards London with morning on this the first anniversary of the London Subway terrorist bombings of 2005 where 52 were killed, America remembers by trying to keep the fear light shinning bright in 2006.
The Harpoville Post has learned that the FBI is taking credit for smashing a New York terrorists plot that there is little known information on or about it. It seems through eves-dropping over the internet the FBI over turned a conversation between two, likely high, like-minded whanna-be terrorists who thought it would be swell if they blew up the Holland Tunnel and flooded out the business district. Since the conversation originated in an un-disclosed foreign country there is no word if these supposed terrorist ever traveled to America, visited New York City or just bought a 'I Love N.Y.' t-shirt off of Ebay and said they did. The FBI has admited that blowing up the Holland Tunnel would not flood New York beacuse the tunnel is below the water line but, admits it sounds good.
"Hardly feasible but, it sure makes good copy"
The Harpoville Post is suprised that America's newspapers still latch onto Government disclosed secret plots that uncover nothing but, suspicion. What was it that Elvis sang; "We can't go on together, with suspicious minds."
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