Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Rush Limbaugh Unable to Stand Straight

"Rush Limpaugh always coming up short."

The Harpoville Post reports that news of Americian Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh detained at the West Palm Beach airport for drug violations paints another color to this sad saga of Rush's dependency. The "all knowing, all seeing, purveyor of truth" Limbaugh has once again been caught with his fingers in the candy jar.

The Harpoville Post has learned that just months after Rush was let off of drug trafficing and charges of doctor shopping which is illegally going from doctor to doctor to fill Rush's desire for 'HillBilly Heroin' he has now found a new juice to quench his thirst Viagra. It seems Rush's inability to stand up straight has him roaming the country side once again from doctor to doctor for the little blue pill cure.

The Harpoville Post reports that as multi-millionaire Limbaugh's private jet landed in West Palm after a weekend get away in the Dominican immigration officials examined Rush's bags and found a bottle of Viagra, which isn't against the law in America, that is, as long as your name is on the bottle. Unfortunatly for Rush the 'daddy's little helpers' were prescribed to his doctor by another doctor which in any country is a no, no. Rush was detained for five hours before being released to limp home knowing that dido'd charges will soon to be in the mail.


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