Warren Buffett A Rich Man Becomes Richer

"I won't live forever and I won't let the US Government get it"
The Harpoville Post reports that Warren Buffett, deemed the second richest man in the world with an estimated wealth of 44 Billion dollars is giving most of it away. News of Mr. Buffett's incredible generosity socked the stock market, whose usual act of catch and not release has left many in that industry confused.
The Harpoville Post spoke to an stunned stock piller who said, "I can't believe it, he was like a God to me, to all of us. How could just go and give it all away and to what a, a, a charity. ...... I need to be alone."
The Harpoville Post has learned that Mr. Buffett will give away 36 Billion, of his 44 Billion dollars to the Susan Thompson Foundation, named after his late wife, which gives millions to hospitals, universities, teachers, Planned Parenthood and other obortion rights groups. Next month regular stock options will be donated to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that helps to fight HIV, malaria and tuberculouis through disease and population control.
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