Harper's Inability to Keep it Up

"Flag debate keeps Harper limp"
The Harpoville Post reports that Prime Minister Harpo decission to refuse reporters attendance and to not drop the Canadian flag to half mast has him wishing for the good old days when all he did was criticize the opposition. Now, Hapro finds himself under the microscope at every turn of the wheel and it's showing as a slump in his flag pole.
The Harpoville Post has learned the Prime Ministers office was awash with angry cards, letters and emails for weeks after the P.M.'s decission to follow G.W.Bush's advice and divert, by any means nessasary, all attention from flag drapped caskets once they start to arrive at the baggage claim. That decission was delivered, not by the limp Harpo but, by his old war horse and Minister of Defenseless Acts Gordon O'Connor, no relation the Donald, who's cold heart and icy breath did nothing to warm the hearts of confused conservative voting Canadians who suddenly felt, the old Talkin Heads line "This is not my beautiful house" come home the roost. Now, through the freedom of information act, one loop hole Harpo has yet to back fill, Canadians have found out how much pull voters have once push comes to shove and the people speak through their electronic mediums.
The Haproville Post reports that Old Steve'o has backslid and has decided that OK we will droop the flag to half mast, now even the parents of the 15 fallen have stepped up to the mic and voiced their outrage. Though the flag will droop to Harpo height there is still no word if pictures will be allowed for dramatic display.
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