FEMA Made a Woman Out Of Me

"And I had enough left over for a night out on the town"
The Harpoville Post reports that as hurricane season comes rolling in like a bat-out-of-Hell(compliments of Meat Loaf) so does the bill for last years FEMA fiasco and the question is;
"Can America afford another hurricane season?"
The Harpoville Post has learned that the American disaster relief agency, FEMA, is in need of diaster relief of it's own. A new reports states that up to 1.4 Billion dollars was wasted on bogus claims after Katrina. From 70 days in an Hawaiian Hotel to paying prison inmates are some of the scams recently uncovered.
The Harpoville Post reports that FEMA can not account for 750 debit cards equaling $1.5 Million or if these cards ever made it to the victims of Katrina. Though the report does state some of the items paid for by the FEMA issued debit cards, items like; a week long Carribean vacation, 5 season tickets to the New Orleans Saints football team, Dom Perignon champagne and other alcoholic beverages in San Antonio Texas, "Girls Gone Wild" video tapes in California and one man used FEMA assasitance money for a female sex change.
The Harpville Post has learned that one individual used 13 different Social Security numbers to collect $139,000 and had it all delivered to the same address. So far, the FEMA agency has identifed $16.8 Million in improperly awarded claims and is licking their wounds trying to recoup while prepairing another killer hurricane season.
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