American Indonesian Indecency Crusade

"Can you see a difference? I can't see a difference"
The Harpoville Post reports that the United States Congress has successfully passed Bill 379-35 which will see fines for indecency go from $32,500 to $325,000. The Republician held Congress easily passed the bill, which is expected to get the President's signature and be passed into law.
The Harpoville Post has learned that Bill 379-35 was in retaliation to the 2004 Super Bowl incident that saw Janet Jackson's breast beamed around the world at that years Super Bowl game. the new higher priced fines can be inforced by the FCC, Federal Communication Commission, to any of the 13,000 radio station and 1,700 TV stations through out the U.S. In 2003 the FCC laid fines amounting to $440,000, that amount jumped to 8 Million dollars in 2004.
"It's all about control"
The Harpoville Post reports just as the American Christian controled ultra-conservative Congress tries to control what is seen and heard over the US airwaves the Indonesian Muslim ultra-conservative group Islamic Defenders Front is attacking what is seen by Muslims in their country.
The Harpoville Post has learned that as the second edition of Playboy magazine is released in Indonesia the Islamic Defenders are expected to take to the streets again in protest. Playboy's first edition was a near sell out as copies were torn from news stands and burned in angry protest. The new 160 page edition was released with slight alterations to it's US sister in that it had no pictures of naked women and blank pages were advertising would have gone had the advertisers not been too afriad of the Islamic Defenders cry for retaliation.
The Harpoville Post finds it ironic that in two different countries in the world, run by two different religious doctrines, the near same act is being played out for supposedly the same reason and that is to control what is being seen by their naive countrymen.
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