Home Depot is French for The Pot House

" It's true, The Home Depot really has everything"
The Harpoville Post reports that a plumper from Massachusetts scored big on a recent renovations project. It seems when he went into his local Home Depot to buy a bathroom vanity he didn't realize it came with everything one needs to see the job through. When the plumber got the box home and opened it up he found 40 pounds of pot and 3 grams of cocaine.
The Harpoville Post has learned that the unnamed plumber decided to return his purchase to the Home Depot store and that's when the police were notified. The Harpoville Post spoke to a representive of the company and he had this to say, "We may have the word pot in our name and it is true that some of our employees walk around in their orange aprons like they're stoned out of their gourd but, the Home Depot does not sell drugs or for that matter include drugs with a purchase of one of our fine non-drug filled vanity sets. That said, in the future if the government ever did allow drugs to be sold then yes Home Depot would be the number one place to purchase all your home renovation and marijuana needs."
The Harpoville Post reports that the police repoted that they have found another vanity set filled with drugs but, have yet to mention the location of that find. One suspects that there will be alot of vanity sets sold, opened and returned to The Home Depot this coming week.
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