Friday, June 23, 2006

Stephen Harper Afraid Of Getting AIDS

"Stephen A. Harper, the A. stands for Afraid"

The Harpoville Post reports that Canadian Prime Minister Harpo has refused an invitation to speak at the opening ceremonies of the world AIDS conference which is to be held in Toronto this coming August. The conference will be attended by world leaders, scientist, journalists and AIDS activists and that's what Harpo is afraid of. Though it has been rumored that Bill Clinton and Bill Gates will attend, that has yet to be confirmed. Word of the Prime Minister's decision even suprised Harpo's media spokesperson, Sandra Bunkler, who was not informed of Harpo's intent to duck out of his Prime Ministerial duties.

The Harpoville Post has learned that the Prime Minister is said to be so deathly afriad of catching the disease he bathes in disinfectant. Harpo's desire to rid the planet of gays, which he blames for the AIDS virus, has been hinted at for years though his association with the Reform Party and the Calgary School. Harpo's plan to duck and run as far away as possible from the event has some wondering how this will look for a man who wants to perceived a world leader.


Blogger Unknown said...

Well, that's a general conservative ideology: AIDS is the solution to the Homosexual question.

Don't you know that only rich white straight people count? That is appears to be what Steve thinks!

11:45 AM  

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