Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hells Angles Amassing at The Border

"Police aren't sure if they're coming or going"

The Harpoville Post reports that 500 Hells Angles meeting in on Canada's bordertown with America, Windsor Ontario, have police confused whether they're planning an attack on America. Across from the sleepy little bordertown of Windsor lies Detroit Mich. and the Hells Angles massing alone Canada's shores with America leaves police wondering whether The Angles plan to take over the Motor City.

The Harpoville Post has learned that the dreaded motorcycle group whose history dates back to the 1950's in California and has, for sometime, been gaining strength and numbers north of the 49th. parrell. All of which has caused much alarm and worry to Canada's law enforcment who is still in turmoil over a mass murder some months back of 8 Bandito Motorcycle enthousasts. Police also fear the Angles are grouping in Windsor to pick up the slack left behind in that areas local drug trade.

The Harpoville Post has learned that the only incident reported was an bar fight outside a local strip club where a member of Hells Angles accused a Mich. man of insulting a stripper by calling her miss and offering to buy her a drink. "That's no way to treat a stripper" was overheard shouted just before a fight broke out in which one man was taken to hospital and four to jail.


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