O'Connor Caught in Consortium Crossfire

"Of course they're my friends and I look after my friends at any cost"
The Harpoville Post reports that Canada's Lack of Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor, no relation to Donald, is going coast to coast to cloat of the Conservative committment to the military announced last week by the new Government. With 15 Billion promised for trucks, planes, ships and helicopters O'Connor couldn't wait to spread the news to shell shocked Canadians, once they see what little you get, militarily speaking, for 15 Billion, and to his old employer Stewart & Stevenson that the cheque is in the mail.
The Harpoville Post has learned that although some of the funds are being bid on some are not and with Stewart & Stevenson sitting on the side lines waiting for the cheques promised by their old loyal lobbist O'Connor this has some Ottawa eye brows rising to the occasion But, surprisingly this is what O'Connor doesn't seem to have a problem with. As a paid lobbist from 2003 to 2004 O'Connor knows what the company offers and that is what is coming under question. It seems O'Connor's military wish list was cut from the Stewart & Stevenson catalog and this has opposition MP's calling for his resignation from the bidding process and if not from the government.
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