Stephen Harper Swears "I'm Not a Crook"

"Where have we heard that one before?"
The Harpoville Post reports celebrations this Canada Day were marred as Prime Minister Harpo was caught in the cross hairs of accusations claiming his innocence. Harpo was caught by reports trying to sneak out of the back door of a meeting and to his waiting limo, that was hiding behind a Convenience Store. When reporters approached Harpo security claimed the stores parking lot was private property and the reporters had to leave but, the reporters resisted and caught Harpo sneaking down an alley.
"Sneaking Sally down the alley"
The Harpoville Post has learned accusations that The Conservative Party pockeedt an extra 1.7 Million in undisclosed political donations back at a Conservative convention held in March 2005 Harpo says they didn't have to disclose these funds the Liberal say they do and Chief Electroal Officer Jean-Pierre Kingsley wants to review the books before any conclusions are to be made. But, right away Harpo started blaming the Liberals for wrong doing, not supporting the troops, not wanting to support his $5.00 a day daycare plan or is 'Made in Canada" pollution solution which left many in attendance in that cold dank alley scratching their heads. "What is the Prime Minister hiding from."
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