Canadian Troops Buy Their Own Coffee

"Hot coffee and sugary treats in 110 degree heat"
The Harpoville Post reports that it is good news for Canada's fighting forces in Kandahar Afghanistan as the mega coffee and donut chain Tim Hortons opened its first outlet in that region. Tim Hortons promise neither scorching summer sun or road side bomb will stop them from serving up over priced cafinated brown water and fattening sugary treats to our fighting forces, that is for a price, it seems this service isn't free. Wherever Tim Hortons goes it's business as usual.
The Harpoville Post has learned that in previous wars the USO and Red Cross would give out free coffee and donuts to our fighting forces just to show our thanks but, it seems those days are over. Now our freedom fighting forces will have to hand over their hard earned Canadian curency for a taste of home but, they have to switch to American greenbacks first. No word if Tim is offering a currency exchance kiosk.
"Were here to server hot coffee and fatty dough to help boost moral in the hot Afghani desert."
The Harpoville Post reports that the desire for good cup of hot coffee in the desert hasn't slowed down one soldier who after having both his legs blown off by a roadside bomb still managed to hobble on down and wait in the long line for his daily double-double dose
Now that's freedom and democracy Tim Horton style.
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