Harper's Polices Resemble Small L Liberal

"New book states Stephen Harpo may be....... God for bid.... Liberal"
The Harpoville Post reports that a new book examines Stephen Harpo's first six months in office and comes to the conclusion he doing the best wolf in sheeps clothing imitation ever pulled off by a Conservative party in office. It seems Harpo's Liberal-lite agenda is making him a hit in Ontario and Quebec but, starting to piss off the staunch Alberta Conservatives that handed him his day in the sun.
The Harpoville Post has learned that Harpo has implemented the largest spending spree to come out of Ottawa since the 1970's Liberals that has many hard nosed business Conservatives shaking in the fiscal boots. This over spending Love-in could spell an early demise for Stephen if he holds on to his promise to maintain present social program spending, one thing Tory's can never do, while increasing military spending, a receipe for disaster if the present economy slides into the tank by even just a few points.
The Harpoville Post reports with the bill for the 1% cut in the Tory implemented GST still not totaled or even begun to be paid for makes you wonder how he plans to make up spending Billions just to loose Billions in tax revenue. One way is to eliminate the environmental ministry and since that's already been done leaving it with barley enough money in its kitty to pay salaries. Harpo's soon going to have to pull a rabbit out of his hat and go after those succulent social spendings and sent them off to the shredder soon. It's going to get too hot in the wolfs suit once the summer sun starts to burn brightly from all this un-deniable global warming.
What's Harpo going to do for his second trick?
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