Virginia Witch Walks 300 Years Later

"Virginia Governor askes to be turned back into a man"
The Harpoville Post reports that, last week, a 300 year old Virginia witch trial was reopened and its guilty verdict over turned. Virginia Governor Timothy Kaine sat on a pillow catching flies with his tongue at the Virginia ceremony that cleared the name of Grace Sherwood after 300 years of being refered to as the Witch of Pungo.
The Harpoville Post has learned that Grace Sherwood was a self proclaimed healer back in 1700's and was accused of being a witch. To prove she was a witch the good people of Virginia threw Ms. Sherwood into a lake and when she floated she was put to death. The Governor, who refused at first to reopen the case changed his mind last month when he was turned into a toad, finally reversed the 300 year old verdict and cleared the good name of the woman. No word if Virginia Governor Timothy Kaine will have to wait 300 years before being turned back into a man.
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