Wife Weeps While Harper Sides With Bush

"Lady Harper sheds tears for cameras"
The Harpoville Post reports that our grand learder Harpo and his wife Lady Harpo visited Vimy Ridge on their return for the conservative G-8 conference in Russia. Lady Harpo reacting on cue from the cameras burst into tears and fell to the ground clutching the grave marks and screaming; "Why, why, why did they die."
The Harpoville Post has learned that at that point Harpo pointed to the cameras his media personel had positioned in place and said, "These poor fighting fools were facing the enemies poison gas not like today where I must face the enemies poison camera lens and pens. But, don't you fear, my dear, one day we will fill hundreds of grave sights just like this with young Canadian men and women as I send more and more of them to their deaths so one day we will all be free of the hate that attacks freedom fighters like myself from these angry enemy cameras."
The Harpoville Post reports that the PM has decided to continue his relentless attack on Lebanon along with 'Big Daddy', G.W. Bush backing Israel as more innocent civilians die from the constant bombing of Beirut and southern Lebanon. The Prime Minister told the cameras and the press he hates and fears so much that, "Israel has every right to defend itself and lay waste to Lebanon and kill as many terrorists as it can find hiding amongest the innocent men, women, children and Canadian tourists."
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