Harper Delays Environment till October

Ambrose "Wait till you see what were going to do you won't believe it it's so good I'm so proud of myself I can't belive it I thought of it all by myself, it was me, me, me, me, me"
The Harpoville Post reports that the Minister of Environmental Disasters Rona Ambrose announced, with trumpeting fanfare, that the new Conservative plan for the environment is "so good" it can wait till October. Tentatively called "Green Plan 2", for no apparent reason, the Minister of Disaster released word of it's arrival with little or no indication of its content.
The Harpoville Post has learned that Rona Ambrose has likened her new "Green Plan 2" to that of Brian Mulroney's 1991 governments 3-Billion "Green Plan", hence the term "Green Plan 2" but, with one big exception Ambrose's Ministry doesn't have any money. With the common knowledge that the Ministry is as poor as a church mouse and barely able to pay the saleries of its employees some wonder how Rona is planning to pull a rabbitt out of her hat when she can't afford a fadora.
The Harpoville Post spoke to the Minister of Environmental Disasters on whether the Harpo Government planned to commit 3-Billion to their new "Green Plan 2" Ambrose admitted, "God no, we don't have any money for environmental concerns we spent 3 Million coming up with the title. But, it is a good title don't you think? I can't wait for everyone to see the little brochure we've made up, it's so cute. Though I have no idea where we'll find the money to print them with. Maybe we'll put it on that internet thingy. ..... That's such a good idea I should give myself a raise for that idea alone or at least a day in the spa."
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