America's Safety is Deep in a Hole

"America's search for safety still far from sight five years after 9/11."
The Harpoville Post reports that on the 5th anniversary of modern day America's equavlent to the Little Big Horn very little has changed in the way of resolve. America in the last five years has gone from invading Afganistan, though 80% of the 9/11 highjackers were from Saudi Arabia and then invading Iraq, though for what reason, three years hence, still lies a mystery. With America's death toll to the Middle East wars long surpassed those who died in 9/11 one wonders was it worth the trouble and wouldn't a fence been cheaper.
The Harpoville Post has learned that U.S. President G.W. Bush's drive for democracy has done little but cost American's Billions in war, Billions in rising gas prices and sees this trend not ending anytime soon. With Iraq in the middle of a civil war, Bin Laudin safely out of harms way and al Qaeda sending more videos to Washington than pictures of the kids at camp most Americans must be sobering to the fact it was all a waste of time. Now with Washington's confessional that they know Sadam didn't really know anything about 9/11 or Mr. Bin Ladin but, he's guilty of something so that's why we're there dosen't justify the price of admission.
The Harpoville Post reports that with 2600 American's dead for a war waged on the back of 9/11 in a country that had nothing to do with it must leave a tart taste to a distant victory. A victory still held in the distorted sights of a President that has put the desires of a few on the backs of the many with Billions spent and many Billions to go before any moral will be drawn from this tattered tale.
America's "noble lies" theory may have united a country to a common enemy so they can justify a nation always at war, always afraid and always in fear of what they don't understand.
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