SUV's Kill More People Than Terrorists

"More Americans kill more Americans than Muslim's kill Americans"
The Harpoville Post reports that five years after 9/11 more American's are killing more American's than any other race. With large gas gusiling SUV's clogging the highways, byways and bearing down on the unsuspecting one wonders shouldn't the US Government do something to curb this threat also. But, still the major car manufactures get away with building more and more of these death machines.
The Harpoville Post has learned that with 43,000 deaths last year alone on America's highways and most of them caused by SUV's. America is under a much more dangerous attack by the car themselves. With deaths mounting on the curb shouldn't American's be more afraid to walk the streets and drive to the corner store? We asked that question of Jerry Ford, a automobile salesman, and he said,; >"O'golly gee no. People shouldn't be afraid to walk out they're doors and fear being driven over by a crazed SUV owner. They're just like you and me, though some of them are more afraid and that's why they buy the big trucks and such, they're just regular folk who've bought into the governments plan to be afraid of the unknown so that's why they pay lots of big bucks to get those big trucks. They're just afraid, that's all, they're just afraid."
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