Military Lets Kids Play With Real Guns at The Fair

The Harpoville Post reports with more and more Canadian's soldiers returning home from the war in Afghanistan in wheelchairs and in boxes comes word on how the Conservative Government is planning to refill those empty spaces. On the wake of the killing of a 10 year old child by shooting first his 17 year old brother comes word that Canada's fighting edge is a little too fidgity with the report of todays "opps" mistaken kill. Reports of frighten Canadian soldiers shooting first and asking questions later are becoming too common place with todays take down of an Afghanistan Police officer and his men. The officer was killed and six of his men wounded when Canadian troops opened fire on their Afghani truck.
The Harpoville Post has learned no Canadians were killed or injured in todays mishap because no Canadians were fired upon in the 'no-so-friendly fire' incident. But, news also comes from Canada's miltary is working extra hard to beef up the slowly depleting military rants and is taking their message that 'War is fun and here to stay' to Toronto's CNE yearly fair to lure Canadian children into the life of playing with real guns in Canada's war and on Canadian streets. The militaries mixed up message that 'Guns are Fun' is confusing considering the the rise in gun violence on the streets of Canadian cities.
The Harpoville Post wonders whether the Canadian military and our Conservative Government is doing any pre-planning in recruiting and training for the many years of war their alliance with G.W. Bush will have in store for Canada and Canadians. With near 30 dead and untold wounded these questions should be addressed now before it continues to be too late.
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