Only Four Countries Consider Hezbollah Terrorists

The Harpoville Post reports that the Liberal Party has cut and run leaving MP Boris Wrzesnewshyj hanging from a hanging tree like some Strange Fruit. As dawn rose in the East the Liberal party was stampeding to the right and as far away as humanly possible from their fellow MP's comments made yesterday in a fit of rage after witnessing and reporting the distruction of Lebanon by the bombs of Israel. Wresnewshyj's comments came under fire from the Conservative party's neo-wing calling for his head long before any other hands were raised in protest.
The Harpoville Post has learned that Wresnewshyj's comment that Canada should reconsider labeling Lebanon's democratically elected Hezbollah party a terrorists and should reopen talks with the organization. These words alone were enough to send neo-conservatives into a foamy mouthed media frenzy calling for his head and an end to open opinion in Canada. Neo-conservative J. Kenny had this to say to the Harpoville Post; "9/11, terrorists, 9/11 we'll all be killed. What kind of country would we conservatives have if we had people like these, these lieing liberials and their terrorist friends running Canada. Is that what you want? 9/11, terrorists, terrorists 9/11. It's talk like this that has fagots getting married and babies being ripped from their mothers bellies. What's next freedom of speech?"
The Harpoville Post reports that Canada is only one of four counties in the world that consider Hezbollah a terrorist organization, the other three being the United States, Israel and the Netherlands. The truth that Britian and Australia are the only two other countries in the world who consider only one external wing of the Hezbollah Party terrorists makes one reconsider exactly what sliding fishy scale the Conservatives judge other countries and their cultures by?
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