As More Canadians Die In Afghanistan

The Harpoville Post reports that the Canadian military recruitment for the war in Afghanistan is sliding into a big hole, a six foot deep hole. As the family of Canadian, #26 to die in Afghanistan, is lowered into his early grave leaving his wife and family to morn his loss General Rick Hiller announces there'll be alot more war from were he came from for a hell-of-alot longer.
The Harpoville Post has learned that although General Hilter's, I mean Hiller's, deisre to take a two year commitment in Afghanistan and stretch it out to five years has not been passed in Parliament the way to Canadians to see it his way is getting harder and harder. The Military is not having much luck luring young Canadian's away from their X-Box and minimum wage jobs at Walmart or Tim Horton's for a life of adventure and risk of death in a far off desert. And as the body count mounts, seven soldiers this month so far, it's looking like it will be impossible to recruit the desired 13,000 young people the new Conservative Government plans to send into war with little training in the very near future and for many years to come.
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