Charles McVety Cash$ in on Muslim Misery

The Harpoville Post reports extreme evangelist Charles McVety, one of the wealthiest bible thumpers to mosey on up to the cross, is throwing his big Christian weight behind Israel and wants all Christians to forget love and compassion for their fellow human beings and to get behind the distruction of Muslims in Lebanon. Charles McVety, the man behind Prime Minister Harpo's attempt to soon reopen Canada's gay marriage and abortion laws, is crawling out of the closet on the back of Jewi$h support for the continued destruction on Lebanon.
"Charlie does is bit for the Holy War"
The Harpoville Post has learned that another organization run by Charles McVety and financed by Jewish $$$ and named, of all things, Christians United For Israel, or CUFI, are trying to suppress the rights of Muslim Canadians to stand up and protest on the streets of Canada in support for Lebanon and the thousands of injured or dead woman and children plus the distruction and environmental damage being done to that country. CUFI is trying hard to lobby Ottawa and get McVety's best friend Stephen Harper, who McVety delivered the Christian vote to in the last federal election, to stop these Muslim terrorists, as they call them, from having any free speech on the streets of free speaking Canada.
The Harpoville Post reports that McVety says; "It's time for Christians to drop their neutral stance and stand for the birthplace of our/their religion."
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