Stephen Harper's Softwood On The Table

"He's just not getting the help he needs"
The Harpoville Post reports Prime Minister Harpo is pleading with the Canadian Softwood Industry to come to his defence as he sees the Canadian American Softwood solution going south and getting limper by the day. The industry has voiced their constant disapproval of the Harpo Government's desire to give 1.2 Billion dollars, of their money, to American lawyers for their failed attempt at keeping it all. With the writting on the wall that this 'boat don't float' Harpo is for-seeing his mighty Zepplin in flames.
"O' the humility"
The Harpoville Post has learned this last minute plea by the Prime Minister to raise some much needed extra cash and face seems almost unfitting even for a minority elected Canadian leader. News now released from Canada's Minister of Rough Trade, Dave Emerson is that if the softwood industry walks away now their completely on thier own. So, why have a Rough Trade Minister in the first place if he doesn't support the wishes of a Canadian industry, is the question being asked. Every governing legal body that has reviewed the softwood case between Canada and America has come away saying Canada is taking a 2X4 in the rear on this one and America owes them all of the 5.2 Billion dollars plus an apology to Canada and the American builders and new home owners who have been getting over charged for years. Now the industry knows it and they're telling the Harpo Government they'll take nothing less.
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