Harper Get's Jew Cash(I meant New Cash) and Support in Van.

The Harpoville Post reports that as Israel reneges on its call for a 48 hour ceasefire and moves men and tanks deep into Lebanon Prime Minister Harpo moves his money men deep into Jewish country for their love, ca$h and $upport. The Prime Minister is planning a cross Canada Synagogue Tour starting off with a standing room only Vancouver stop that had 1000 loving Isaerlites lighting candles and signing cheques to show their appreciation for Harpo's support in the Israeli slaughter under way in Lebanon.
The Harpoville Post has learned that the P.M.'s office is now releasing a statement asking Israel to show a little restraint in their 24 hour a day two week military campaign. This seems too little too late as Israel's slaughter of 60, mostly woman and children, over the weekend has got them nothing but damnation from the United Nations and most of the world, that is except Canada and America who have been cheering Israel on and making their own killing reaping the benefits of Jewish fund raising.
The Harpoville Post reports that Foreign Affairs Minister Peter McKay, voted the most sexist man(I meant sexiest) in Parliment, was grilled, like an egg on the streets of Toronto, in Ottawa on what the Conservatives are doing when they side with the Bush Government and refuse to support a cease fire in Israel. McKay was quick to point that the Harpo Government would like a ceasefire but, only under certian conditions and those conditions are; #1) that Israel runs out of bombs first, #2) that everyone in Lebanon is either dead or seriously wounded and #3) that G.W. Bush wants the same thing at the same time.
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