Harper Lobby'$ Jew$ While Lebanon Burns

"Conservatives take advantage of a sure ca$h thing"
The Harpoville Post reports Harpo and his Conservative money gathers are moving in on a good thing by fund raising Canadian Jews for supporting Israeli annihilation of Lebanon. Conservative fund raisers have wasted no time at turning a negative into a positive by emailing Jewish and Israeli like minded supporters of the New War in the Middle East and $eeking their $upport to help refill Conservative coffer$.
"Con$ervative$ have got a lot of 'good news' polls to pay for"
The Harpoville Post has learned that as Harpo's popularity plummets in concerned Canada but, raises in Alberta, the Conservatives are hitting the bricks for the Jewi$h $upport his party so sadly lacks. Though, the problem is that it's in Ontario and Quebec where Harpo's Conservatives are both sliding in the polls and sucking up to Shylock.
The Harpoville Post reports that the Conservatives are finding no love, votes or $upport in the immigrant Muslim voter so they've decided to seek $upport where the buck start$ and stop$.
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