America Prays For Cuban Uprising

The Harpoville Post reports that Cuban dictator Fidal Castor's recent medical condition has left America and Cuban exciles wetting their lips in anticipation of an uprising and an end of near 50 years of Castro rule. When Castro past on control to his fun loving brother Raul most Cuban Americans started making plans to sell they're sacks in Liberty City and move back to Cuba but, that doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon.
The Harpoville Post has learned that Cuban's on the whole don't have alot but, what they need they get. Medical, dential and University education is all paid for by the Cuban state and as an American knows these are all the things guranteed to land you in the poor house in the USA. Long a festering torn in the paw of the cowardly lion America, Cuba, has survied very, very well for a country that has had to live under the U.S. scrutiny and trade embargos. But, now with close ties to oil rich South American countries like Venezulela and Bolivia, Cuba, is showing itself to be a much better run country than the fat, war-torn endebted America.
The Harpoville Post reports that back in 1959 Cuba was America's Sin City where drugs prostitution and gambling florished and America has never forgiven Castro for taking that away and establishing a peaceful country. So as the overweight sons and daughters of exciled Cubans plan a return to their once promised land they're not making it much past the dock because Castro's Cuba doesn't look like it's going anywhere too soon.
"As the saying goes; Living Well is the Best Revenge."
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