American Democracy Leads to Democrazy

"U.S. has a hard time in its civil commitment"
The Harpoville Post reports that America's desire for Democracy in the Middle East is turning Democrazy and is a complete and total failure and should be aborted right away. In only three short years G.W. Bush has distroyed one of the more stable, if slightly bend, governments in the Middle East by trying to achive what it thinks is normal. Well, if that is really the case, then they've succeeded.
The Harpoville Post has learned the daily carnage seeping from Iraq has reached such heights that America's own Generals are calling it what it is a Civil War. But, with the congressional elections only months away G.W. Bush is having a hell of a time committing to the "C" word, which leaves more and more American troops in the unlucky position of trying to stay alive in Iraq. Though, G.W. got one lucky break last month when Israel started another war with Lebanon to help divert attention from Iraq but, now that's turning up the heat under Syria and Iran two big time players who have been very, very patient up to this point but, won't stay that way for long.
The Harpoville Post reports that W.W. 3 has broke out in the Middle East where three separate wars are raging there now everyday, Iraq(Bush/Blair), Afganistan(Harper/Bush/Blair), and Lebanon(Israel/bush). Sounds like W.W.3 to me. Now with the United Nations, backed by the U.S. and France calling for a ceasefire, near a month too late, Hezbollah isn't interested, because it would allow Israel to stay in Lebanon and continue its ethnic cleansing. So, they returned the call by fireing 80 rockets into Israel. Israel decided to return that call by blowing up a truck carring humanitarian aid to civilians and kill another 40 civilians in air strikes. There's that "C" word again.
"And the beat goes on, on, on, on, on and the beat goes on"
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