Are We Fucking There Yet?

The Harpoville Post
"Is what we see, what we get?"
The Harpoville Post askes a simple enough question; "Are we there yet?" It seems a simple enough question because in a rational world we just look out the window and see but, that's not the case. Why? Because we don't live in a rational world. It's within a month of celebrating 9/11, is celebrating the wrong word? Though some conspiracy theorist will see it as a reason for celibration. These are the people who look behind the curtains and see that we may not be any safer and any more secure than pre 9/11 but, the Wizard behind the curtains certainly is.
The Harpoville Post wonders why five years after 9/11 we're in a much worse state than ever before. America spends Billions and Billions on security just to have Britian squash the biggest terrorist plan of all time. One that would have left 9/11 being refered to as the one before. Though, as now being suggested this will only leave us in the West feeling more like prisoners and alot less safe. In Canada we have a Conservative Government that feels everyone else's desire is their desire, unless your poor with aids and with any environmental concerns. It seems now everyone else's fear is their fear so, unless your fear is war and expanding government, we're putting Billions and Billions of dollars into the military to, in the end, it's guarantied not to leave us feeling any safer. All the guns, tanks, planes and troops could not stop 9/11 and they will have little effect on the next big one whatever it is.
So, why spend all the money when in the end it will not do a god dame thing to stop it?
Is there an answer? No. Will there ever be a conclusion? No. The only answer and conclusion is to get arrested and end up in jail, at least you'll get three squares a day, because at the present rate we can't afford foor because of gas prices and jail is were we will all end up whether we like it or believe it. The airports will take so long to get through people will stop flying. The borders will soon close up and the punters, you and I, will have to live in that world, whether we like it believe it or not.
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