Canada Rebuilds Afghanistan With Military

"If we just had more guns to help the poor rebuild Afghanistan"
The Harpoville Post reports Canada's message to the devistated war torn country of Afghanistan is "We're going to help you with more of the same Canadian military might." Lack of Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor, no relation to Donald, made a suprise visit to Canadian troops in Afghanistan this week to figure out why civilian deaths and friendly fire incidents have sky rocketed over the month of August. Some have suggested mounting pressure to get the ill trained troops into Afghanistan is causing the increase in military error that is now plaguing the Conservative backed war in Afghanistan.
The Harpoville Post has learned that O'Connor's planned meet and greet with the troops didn't go as well as he had planned when some of the questions asked of the Lack of Defence Minister went unanswered. When one soldier asked; >"Do we have the support of Canadian public while here in Afghanistan?" And O'Connor answered; "We only listen to the military lobbists and read the carefully constructed Conservative polls." When another soldier asked; "What do the pools say and when do you think we'll be heading home from all this?" O'Connor answered; "We don't listen to the polls but, if we did they would say good things, real good things. And to answer your second question please consult your selected passage special issued military bibles for that answer."
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