Harper Refuses to Be Accountable on Accountability

"On account of my Accountability Act I will never be held accountable to you or any liberal senator"
The Harpoville Post has learned that Prime Minister Harpo was pretty pissed off at being questioned in front of the Canadian Senate, the first time in history, on his Accountability Act. The Prime Minister swore heads were going to roll of anyone who stands in the way of him ramming the legislature through the House of Commons.
The Harpoville Post reports that once any amendments were suggested to his Accountability Bill, by any opposition party, Harpo was ready to force a non-convidence vote throwing the country back into another election. Harpo's thinking another election will put his Conservative Party into a majority position rather than a minority position may likely blow up in his face as Canadian's are sick and tired of the Conservative Party's constant need for gradification by calling another election. With Harpo's close ties with U.S. President, G.W. Bush, and the increasing Canadian body count showing signs of being the anchor that will pull his plans for Canadian electoral domination into the gutter where it belongs.
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