Rush Limbaugh Mug-shot Coffee Cup

"Rush Limbaugh mug-shot coffee cups should be out by Christmas"
The Harpoville Post has learned that America's staunch defender of the white-right has had is day in court and is officially a criminal. It is near impossible to imagine that Rush who has spent the last 20 years denouncing Liberalism and Drugs gets arrested in of all things a Republician held America for illegally obtaining and using dope.
"Why do you think they call it dope"
The Harpoville Post reports Rush and his team of lawyers entered a guilty plea of "Poor Rush has fell victim of the demon dope and he's sorry and Rush promises never to do it again and he's going to rehab and studying the bible and your honor please don't send this puggy white man to an all black fuck-you-in-the-ass prison cause he won't last an hour. did your honor happen to see Shawshant Redemption well, we rest our case."
The Harpoville Post has learned that Rush was charged with "doctor shopping" after it was found out he obtained 2000 oxyContin, also know as Hillbilly Heroin" from four doctors in six months and all at his local pharmacy. Rush's lawyer, Roy Black, a white man, has convinced the Florida prosecutors that Rush is going the rehab route, for the third time and that may be all the Republican State of Florida will ask of Mr. Limbaugh.
"Talk about a double standard for a favored child of the republic."
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