Spring is Pesticide Genocide Season

"Time to get out the Weed and Feed you lazy B.'s"
The Harpoville Post reports that spring has sprung once again here in Harpoville and with a new season underway soon the streets will be filled with lawn care company's chemical trucks, operated by men with little or no training or credentials, liberally dosing thousands of neighborhoods with enough poison to choke a small Afgani village.
The Harpoville Post has learned that a Canadain outcry to the overuse of pesticides, specifically 2,4-D is being led by Canada's, underdog, NDP party. A new study just released states that 2,4-D does cause cancer. This finding contradicts a recent study from the PMRA, the Pest Managemant Regulatory Agency. The PMRA is a federal run agency that receives all its information from and oversees any regulating of the pesticide manufactures. It seems the PMRA's study has come to the conclusion that 2,4-D is actually good for us and will continue to allow the dumping of 50 million Kilograms across Canada this and ever year.
"Just a tea spoon of sugar helps the medicine go down"

The Harpoville Post reports that the NDP want the cemicial companies that make 2,4-D, also know as Weedclean, Areomine and Aerostar, to prove these products are safe, to humans and not just to rats, and do not cause cancer.
The Harpoville Post spoke to Mrs. Lilly Bugger from the PMRA who told us, "We at the PMRA understand the concerns of citizens on the overuse of pesticides by your average ignorant, lazy, overworked, underpaid, highly stressed, borderline obese Canadians who can no longer kneel down, let alone bend over to do a simple task like weeding their lawn or garden that are on the average 100 square feet in size and are dependant on the overuse of wonderful products like 2,4-D to help manage their pest problems." We asked Mrs. Bugger about the NDP's plan to limit or ban the overuse of pesticides like 2,4-D and she said, "The first question we ask at the PMRA is, do we have a pest problem? Well, in the case of the NDP we'd have to say yes and what is the best answer to a pest problem, that's right, 2,4-D. I bet you didn't know it was one of the active ingrediants in Agent Orange, and look at the fine job that product did during the Viet Nam War."
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