Gospel of Judas Casserole Scraps

"Some people call them left-overs we call them scraps"
The Harpoville Post reports that news of the Gospel of Judas being found in Ohio excited the religious world over the weekend. The find, said to explain what happened to Judas after he turned Jesus in for thirty peices of silver, has turned out to be not such a tempting dish.
The Harpoville Post has learned that antiquities dealer Bernie Ferrino announced the discovery on a church bulletin board as "Gospel of Judas Scraps for details call Bernie at home." When word was released in the religious community it soon spread across the country like locus and the news media and the deeply religious became very excited by the supposed find.
The Harpoville Post spoke to noted Biblicial Historian Hans Christian who told, "A find like this may explain what happened to Judas after the crucifixion. It was believed that the Romans had to put Judas into a ancient style witness protection plan to save him from retaliation by Jesus's followers. Now, with this new discovery it is now suggested that the Romans changed Judas name to Bernie and moved him and his family to Ohio."
The Harpoville Post has also obtained a personal interview with Mr. Bernie Ferrino as he was leaving the local Too Hot To Hold Video store and he told us, "There really is nothing special". when asked if could explain to us what the Gosple of Judas was, he said, "Sure, it's a casserole but, it's nothing special that's why I offered the scraps to the church. But, last Sunday we had the Book of Jobe souffle', now that was tasty."
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