Harper's Unquestionable Accountability

"I'm the Count of accountability"
The Harpoville Post reports that Prime Minister Harpo say's his accountability bill should not be held accountable by those no-good unaccountable Liberals. Speaking for the first time in public, since January, at Toronto's exclusive, members only, Empire Club, Harpo said, "I feel my unquestionable accountability bill should not come in question."
The Harpoville Post has learned that the Liberals are concerned about one clause, in particular, in the massive 252 page bill, that has many, in the sleepy senate, asking questions. Harpo wants the justice minister to have power to decide who and for what should be prosecuted. Members of the Senate have spoken out that nowhere in Canada is this allowed so why does Harper want to change it. The only complaint coming out of the NDP camp is that Jack Layton wants it in writting that MP's can't switch parties when promised larger slices of cake and bigger parting gifts. This reform would make sense coming from the NDP because no-one yet has switched parties to become a member of the NDP.
"I'm on a timetable people"
The Harpoville Post reports that Harpo has yet to send in his Christian Pit-bull McVety to attack the un-holy Senate if they dare stand in his way in raming home his massive Accountability Bill before June.
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