Baby attacks Harper over Daycare Issues

Baby "$5.00 a day, you cheap prick"
The Harpoville Post has learned that Prime Minister Harpo has put the Liberals to the challenge of challenging his daycare reforms. The Liberals, too afraid to take to the challenge, in fear of reprisals from voters were over shadowed by one future voter who rose to the challenge and lashed out.
The Harpoville Post has learned that at a Harpo media soft sell photo shoot one angry baby lunged at the Prime Minister while screaming "$5.00 a day you cheap prick." Harpo afraid for his life dropped the infant and fled the room in tears. The Prime Minister bodyguards were, at first, stunded by the attack and slow to react but, eventually moved in, pouncing, subduing and arresting the attacker.
"Terrorists, 9/11, 9/11, terrorists"
The Harpoville Post has learned that the Prime Ministers office is treating this incident as a terrorists attack. As of yet there is no informantion on whether the child is of Taliban desent but Lack-of Defense Minister Gordon O'Connor, no relation to Donald, told The Harpoville Post, "We know the enemy is everywhere and has spies and insurgents working to further their terrorist actitivites so, we must be on guard to guard against any attack no matter how small that attack or attacker may be."
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