Friday, April 14, 2006

Who's fixing for a good Crucifixion

"For Christ's Sake"

The Harpoville Post reports that this years Good Friday celibrations in the Philippines got underway to a rousing start. The competition for the seven prime spots was fierce with Christians traveling from all over the globe to to be a part of this years event.
The Harpoville Post has learned that although this event is discouraged by the church the crowds are expected to be standing room only as thousands flock to be a part of it.

"That's got to hurt"

The Harpoville Post spoke to Ruban Enaje a 45 year old construction worker who is celibrating his 20th year in a row getting nailed to the cross. Mr Enaje told us, "I feel so lucky to have been picked again. It seems to take about a year for the nail holes to heal over then, it's Easter all over again. I think that may be one of the reasons they pick me it seems, year after year, the nails just get easier to pound through my hands." We asked Mr. Enaje what prompted him to do this in the first place, and he said, "About 22 years ago I was working on a building, ten stories up, when a big gust of wind came along and blew me off it. I was very lucky to have survived that fall. So, to show my appreciation to God I come here ever Easter and get nailed to the cross, I think it's the least I can do."

The Harpoville Post reports that others, less dedicated to showing their love of God walk through the streets whipping themselves for hours on end. One representive of the church said this to us, "The church really doesn't condon these types of actions but, they do put on a hell-of-a-show, don't you think."


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