Easter 4006, Zacarias Moussaoui

Easter Report
"It happened before it can happen again"
Why are we shocked when a Muslim man tells the truth? He says he hates America and the west and everything it stands for. America, in return, hates him and everything he stands for. Is he the enemy? And if he is, is he really the enemy of America or what America stands for to him.
Zacarias Moussaoui is not a household name, and when asked, I believe 99.9 percent of North Americans would be unable to pronounce his name if offered money. So, is his name not important when it comes to this man and is he only what he represents? He knows he is a hero in most Islamic countries. He knows that his face is being broadcast across most of the world as a hero to the anti-American cause. He knows what he has become because he knows America needs him. The American Republician Christian Right needs Zacarias Moussaoui as a martyr, someone to display to America and the rest of the world that 'we got one'. They need to show the American public that it was worth the 250 billion dollars of their children's, children's, children's future cause 'we got one'. So, they can tell America you go home now and feel safe in your homes, your churchs, your work places, your malls, your, your, your.
"Recipe for Martyr-dom"
America is the land of make believe and the American dream. The American dream may have started with the constitution but it flourished in Hollywood. What if Zacarias Moussaoui is an actor and this whole charade was cast, scripted and produced to keep the American public feeling safe, safe in the knowledge that we got one, we only got one but, we got one.
Physiatrists have examined and stood at the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui to say the man is insane. Zacarias has taken the stand to rant and prove, the doctors are right, he is insane. But, still the trial goes on, not to prove his innocence because he's already confessed but, to see if he'll be put to death for his crime against America.
I don't believe Zacarias Moussaoui is an actor, I think he is who he says he is an angry American hating Muslim man and that's all. He was arrested before 9/11 and was found guilty of not informing the FBI of the 9/11 plot. Though it has already been proven that many who informed the FBI and the American Government of the supposed 9/11 plot were ignored so, it seems he's being blamed for that too. I also believe that Zacarias, as he does, will be put to death. He will have to be silenced for his hate of America but, what if America showed they didn't really hate him or any other Muslim. What if America showed the Muslim world that isn't about hate it's about misunderstanding that what some people do is not the will of people. Just like this man Zacarias Moussaoui is not the will of all the Muslim race and if it takes to do what the Bible says and 'turn the other cheek' that's what will be done to show everyone in the world of Islam, Iran, China, North Korea, Africa and anywhere else that doubts peace and forgiveness is the answer.
On this Easter of 2006 The Harpoville Post wishes everyone of the world peace and forgiveness because if we don't maybe 2000 years from now the name Zacarias Moussaoui will be on every child's lips as they kneel down by their beds at night to pray.
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