Rona Ambrose Environmental She-Devil

Rona "Our Government hasn't even decide there is climate change"
The Harpoville Post reports that the new Harpo Conservative Government is moving quick to plug any spending leaks left over from last years looser Liberals. The Harpo Governments own Minister of Environmental Disaster Rona Ambrose has announced that her ministry is being cut by as much as 80% to make way for corporate tax breaks and the new war effort.
The Harpoville Post spoke to the Minister of Disaster and she told us, "I said to Harpo, I said Harpo honey I need a fleet of SUV's to house my posse and he said look around your ministery for the extra money. So, I sharpened my pencil and found the $260 million the Liberals had promised to give the United Nations to fight global warming, I said as if. So, I'm taking that back......I'm so proud of myself. Anyway what if there is this global warming thing, I mean, have you ever been in Edmonton in January?.... It's so f'ing cold it's all a girl can do to keep her nipples from popping out of her blouse."
The Harpoville Post has learned that though the Harpo Government has decided to cut the ministry by 80% they still plan to leave staffing the way it is. With 375 million dollars, at the moment, budgeted for the ministry most of that is spent on staff salaries and with more cuts expected to the Ministry of Environmental Disaster, it seems, the staff will have nothing to do and no money to do it with. The Harpoville Post suggests the ministry be renamed the Ministery of Environmentally Financial Disasters.
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