100 Harpoville Posts Malcolm Interview

The Harpoville Post
100th. Blog Edition
"How did you find me?........ I may have to kill you"
The Harpoville Post celebrates its 100th blog edition with a personal interview with our astute author and Chief correspondent Malcolm. Since Malcolm does all his reporting out in the field and reports his superior, informative, engaging and insightfully witty pieces through the electronic medium he still has refused all requests for an interview from our head office in Harpoville, The Harpoville Post has decided to travel to him for this personal insightful interview. We caught up with and spoke to him in a small soda bar located in a remote costal village in a undisclosed country.
H.P.: So, Malcolm it's so good to finally meet you."
Malcolm: "How did you find me?"
H.P.: "It wasn't easy, some people were paid handsomely."
Malcolm: "If I find them they'll be dead by sunset."
H.P.: "We were hoping to get an interview from you."
Malcolm: "Why, my beliefs are in my words, decipher what you wish."
HP: "But we think your readers would like a better insight into you."
Malcolm: "You want insight, open your wallet and order more beer."
Hp: "Well maybe we can finish the interview first."
Malcolm: "Tequila, dos cervesza, por favor. You want anything?"
H.P.: "I'm fine, so how long do you think you will stay down here?"
Malcolm: "As long as need be, till it's safe."
H.P.: "What do you mean safe?"
Malcolm: "Till it's safe to return, when Bush, Harper and the Leo Straus neoconservatives are bannished and sanity returns."
H.P.: "Do you see that as soon?"
Malcolm: "With Scooter Libby adding lip service, at the moment, you'd assume so but, he's a Ruby, an Oswald and will soon be found dead ."
H.P.: "Do you believe the dominos will soon start to fall."
Malcolm: "The right-wings true regime agenda can't be dissolved by one man it'll take an army."
H.P.: "To you feel your part of that army?"
Malcolm: "No, I'm a speck on the wall, the vomited remains of last nights party. I'll soon be hosed away with nothing but the tart taste of Bromo as a reminder."
H.P.: "The Harpoville Post has been coming along nicely, you must be proud."
Malcolm: "Maybe of my work but not of the reason."
H.P.: "What do you mean?"
Malcolm: "It was born from the distain of Canadians who are unable to tell shit from shin-o-la. Fools that believe a politians lies of a better tomorrow are good enough as long as they don't loose anything."
H.P.: "Like what?"
Malcolm: "Like money, big cars, RSP's. Fools who think a man is a looser if he works with his hands and doesn't dream of the day that he doesn't work. They fear death but they wish to be idle. Being idle is death, not having a love for life, not having a dream, that is death."
H.P.: "Do you believe the Canadians who voted for Harper will loose in the end."
Malcolm: "We'll all be loosers in the end. The Conservative dream for more military but, less government. The perfect neoconservative government is the military, the army, the war. "
H.P.: "So, is that why you live down here?"
Malcolm: "There is no army here, so there isn't the fear that army's create. I'm not afraid while I'm here, but, I fear for the fools that live in fear of the truth."
H.P.: "Any final thoughts?"
Malcolm: "I could use another beer. But, do you remember the scene from the Christmas Carol where Ebenezer's talking to the ghost of Christmas past and he opens his robe and at his feet are two poor, scared children?"
H.P.: "I think so."
Malcolm: "The ghost says, beware of these two children one is greed and the other ignorance, but fear one more than the other. Do you know why that is?"
H.P.: I'm not sure."
Malcolm: "Because you can always trust a greedy person to steel from you, but, you can't tell for sure what a fool will do, you can only guess....... Tequila, dos cervesza por favor, you sure you don't want anything before you go?
H.P.: "No, thanks, we've got a long way to go to get back."
Malcolm: "Well don't let the screen door hit you in the ass after you pick up the check."
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