Brian J. Doyle "You're in good hands"

"Is this America's idea of Homeland Security?"
The Harpoville Post reports that Brian J. Doyle, one of the top heads of America's Homeland Security, was arrested for trying to seduce a 14 year old girl on the internet. Doyle, 55, was arrested at his Maryland home in what police call a sting operation in which he incouraged a 14 year old girl to perform sexual acts.
The Harpoville Post has learned that Doyle used his position of deputy press secretary for the Department of Homeland Defence to impress what he thought was a 14 year old girl from Florida, but, was actually a police deputy. Doyle spoke to the officer on the telephone encouraging her to buy a web camera and send him naked pictures of herself.
The Harpoville Post spoke to one of Doyle's co-workers who had this to say, "I told him he shouldn't be talking to that girl, but, he said he was careful, that asshole, shit we live in Washington man, this town's full of underagers........ Wait a minute I didn't say that, I should talk to my lawyer."
Hi there Malcolm!
Just wanted to thank you for your thoughtful comment, and of course Mr. Doyle is getting what he deserves, even if it is just sheer humiliation./
Sophie, Kron 4
Mr. Doyle's just desserts will depend on the expen$ive lawyer$ he hires to defend his worthless ass and to try and keep it out of the 'who's your daddy' prison cell he deserves.
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