WTO Says Canadian Softwood No Go

The Harpoville Post
Editorial Review
"Who is this World Trade Organization, anyway?"
The Harpoville Post reports that the World Trade Organization has ruled against Canada in its softwood fight with the United States. The W.T.O. is the most powerful legislative and judicial body in the world that is made up of corporate lawyers who always side with the United States whenever they rule.
The Harpoville Post has learned that such monumental idiotic W.T.O. rulings in the past have been; 'that the protection of sea turtles, dolphins, or the enviroment is a barrier to free trade'. 'That the banning of hormone-treated beef is illegal and that publicly elected officials no longer have the rights to protect the enviroment and the public health'.
The Harpoville Post reports an earlier ruling by NAFTA sided for Canada and decided that the United States had cheated Canada and owes Canada 5.2 billion dollars. Not to mention the billions of dollars corperate America overcharged honest unknowing Americans.
The Harpoville Post askes if the new Prime Minister of Canada has the go-nads to stand up against this illigal body of corperate America, or will his desire to appease G.W. Bush and corperate America be the reason he stands down.
For more interesting reading on the W.T.O. try
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