Sirius Stern Sucks

"All my old fans are cheap bastards"
The Harpoville Post reports that Howard Stern is angry his old fans aren't rich enough to spend 15 dollars a month, plus the price of the receiver, to listen to Howard Stern, so, Howard has decided to return to the non-paying media to complain about it.
"It insults me more people aren't paying money to listen to me."
The Harpoville Post has learned that you can't teach an old Jew new tricks when it comes to the flickleness of the American buying public and he's not going to win new listeners by calling the old ones "cheap bastards." Just three months after Howard left regular radio to the rich promise land of Sirius satellite pay-radio he's back to complain about it.
It seems Howard went complaining first to his $350. and hour phychiatrist who told him the go back and complain on regular radio. Howard's biggest complaint is that only 4 million fans followed him the satellite, which he deems an insult so Howard views himself a failure. But, why must his old fans indur his rants and insults just because they don't think it's, well, worth it.
The Harpoville Post reports that, now he's on satellite radio Howard gets to swear and have naked women on his show and have those naked women do, you know stuff, that Howard gets to watch and his audence gets to only listen to, all that swearing for 15 dollars a month, sign me up?..... No thanks, I can listen to all the swearing I want walking down the street and it's for free. Howard should realize that his fan base liked him for his comedy not his swearing and complaining and his returning to complain only shows he's forgotten how to do the former by holding on to the latter.
If anyone actually bought his story about moving to satellite for the "freedom" when he first started spouting it... I'd think twice now...
Howard Stern has been in full hypocrite mode for the past month and it seems as though he's finally destroyed the last shred of credibility he might have had left. These are some of his quotes in the current issue of Entertainment Weekly,
"I was just at my psychiatrist and I said, `I just got great news: We hit the 4 million mark. And I'm angry. It should be 20 million"
"It's insulting to me that everyone hasn't come with me. I take it personally,"
"I want to say to my audience ... `You haven't come with me yet? How dare you? We're up to wild, crazy stuff, the show has never sounded better. You cheap bastard!'"
So, in the name of "freedom" you take you show off free radio and take over $600 million dollars to go to satellite? To be "free", you need to be paid $600+ million dollars and your fans need to spend a hundred or a few hundred bucks on a radio as well as a monthly subscription? Then you take your show off E!, so you can be more free... also so your fans can pay even more subscription fees to watch your show in pay per view?
Where do you get off, being a man who just got paid $600 million, calling your fans cheap for paying to hear you? Maybe if you'd done some interesting radio in the past 10 years, people may have actually followed you. By your own admission, your show was "subpar". Awww... The few hundred million you were making a year then wasn't enough for you to put out some effort? Oh yeah, you weren't "free" enough... because you care about freedom. You care about the government telling someone they can't say something, you care about an employer telling you not to say something.. or do you?
If you really cared about any of that, you wouldn't have(by your own admission) forced your bosses at CBS to forbid Opie & Anthony to talk about you. What was your quote again? "I'm a strong supporter of MY free speech." You don't care about free speech. You care about money, which that's fine with me. Make as much money as you'd like. However, don't go spouting off all this hypocritical garbage about free speech. You aren't doing something noble. You are no crusader. That much is obvious.
Unfortunatly old Howie boy is a mess, if a picture say's a thousand words his face looks a testament to what all that "freedom" can do. Anyone who is/was a fan, when free, will take interest in what's happening in the backroom to Robin, Fred, Gary and Artie if Howie's airing his laundry out in the lobby.
Thanks for sharing.
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