Canada's Jump on the Immigration Bandwagon

"Mexico's biggest export after Corona"
The Harpoville Post has learned that while Mexico is pleading for Canada to take more of it's second largest commodity, migrant workers, Canada's newest Immigration Minister is hard at work deporting illegal aliens. Monte told The Harpoville Post, "We're not throwing out any more illegals than the Liberals did, so there." he added, "Listen, we've got hundreds of thousands waiting, some who play by the rules and some who don't, and people who reward at the expense of people who do."
The Harpoville Post reports that Mexican President Vicenti Fox was in Harpoville to open a new consulate to help make way for thousands of migrant workers who are being rousted out of America by the Republicians. President Fox told The Harpoville Post, "America's loss is Canada's gain, it's your chance to get these people for a song. Just try them for a year or two, you'll see, you'll see." When asked at what capacity these workers can be employed, Mr. Fox said, "They can do a lot of things, clean pools, trim Palm Trees." But, when reminded that Canada doesn't have any Palm Trees, he said, "Neither did California before we arrived."
The Harpoville Post spoke to NDP critic Olivia Chow, and immigrant herself, about the Harpo Government crackdown, and she said, "I'm not an immigrant, who told you that? Just because my name is Chow, where do you people get your information?
When The Harpoville Post spoke to ex-Liberal immigration minister Joe Volpe, who said, "I had a perfect plan to fix all this and I was going to do it but they called the election. So, you can blame the NDP, they decided they didn't want a solution they wanted a problem. My perfect plan is not being implemented because they wanted a Conservative government in place, thanks alot."
The Harpoville Post mentioned Mr. Volpe's comments to Conservative Monte, who said, "Is he still going on about his 'perfect plan', Christ, get a life. Let me tell you about his 'perfect plan', it was to send all the immigrant workers up to Fort McMurray Alberta where they need workers. But, we don't pander to the immigrant vote, we were voted into a minority government by old scared Canadians, the hay-seeds living out in rural areas, out-where they're easy to scare with American style fear advertising. That's our voting base and we plan to pander to them, and if they, like our American brothers, don't want too many immigrants running around then that's the way it'll be."
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