A Movie for our Not so 'Gay-Old-Times'

The Harpoville Post
Sunday Movie Review
The Harpoville Post movie review takes a look at a controversial subject raised in a new film called A Whole New Thing. The film looks at an innocent young boys crush on his teacher, his male teacher.
Set in the windy coast of Nova Scotia, a 13 year old boys first love should either be his teacher, or a fishing boat. The teacher could wear lots of makeup, purfume, and low cut tops but, what if he wore Hush Puppies, Brut and button down shirts, could it be as hot? This film would like you to think so. The subject of 'taboo' love has been creased for years, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. This ones the latter and will end up being used as a training film for the Catholic Church, once it's cut to DVD.
The teacher is a lonely academic in a small east coast town who, by night, gets his kicks, searching for George 'Wham Bam', in out of the way washrooms stalls but, by day respectably teaching Rick, Reggie and Raul the three R.'s. Soon he starts noticing the sensitive students longing glances, his desire to stay after school and clean the chalkboard, maybe it remindeds him of himself. The teacher notices but, the 'good' teacher knows not to act out his endearing fantasies that plague him every waking moment of every eternal like day.
O' Please, let's look at the facts, Catholic fathers can't seem to keep their hands out from beneath Charlie's candy counter, so how is this teacher supposed to be so strong when he can't keep himself out of the toilets. Are they saying teachers are closer to God and have a bigger oath to swear upon. In the last few years more female teachers have been busted banging the britches off of 16 year old boys than any other time. And gay male teachers are above that, 'PLEASE', let's have some realism, since we don't have the buget for real actors.
Personally I think these guys are making a film for some Christan war torn world where nobody makes a mistake and if they do it's fixed by denial or by the next commercial, that's right TV, but, alas TV won't touch this pipe dream either.
I wonder if as many 'A' grades are passed out to complying sensitive boys as they are to failing promiscuous girls. And the fact we hear so few reports of gay male teachers getting caught, with their hands in the cookie jar, leads me to believe that, as hunters go, they're the smartest of the bunch and just plain know how to pick them.
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