U.S. Protests Loosing Cheap Labor

"Give us liberty and our house cleaners"
The Harpoville Post reports of wide spread protests hitting the streets of the United States. But, the protests aren't againist the war in Iraq, the ballooning deficit or of reports released this week that black men in America are worst off than ever before in its history. These protests are against America getting rid of it's cheap labor.
The Harpoville Post has learned that the American Governments crackdown on illegal aliens have the students up in arms. Massive student protests hit the streets in California, Arizona, and Georgia and the message was clear, leave the illegal aliens alone.
The Harpoville Post spoke to one protestor who said, "This is America we were founded on the princpals of liberty for all and the persuit of slave labor. But, we didn't have to persue them they were glad to come here and be our cheap labor. We don't want to loose our pool and gutter cleaners, our dog walkers and baby sitters, our cooks and dish washers, this is a disgrace and we won't stand for it." As the group sang out in unision, "No way, no way, let stay, Jose, no way, no way, let stay, Jose."
The Harpoville Post has learned that it is not only the lazy American students that fear the new law, one that will cause them to start looking after themselves and do manual labor but, what of the other side of America. What about the illegal aliens coming across the Canadian border.
The Harpoville Post reports that everyday Canadian doctors, lawyers, and nurses risk they're lives crossing a vast wilderness seeking the sweet taste of America's freedom.
We wonder is it only a matter of time before they too will be shut out. The Harpoville Post spoke to Dr. Fredrick R. Smith, not his real name, who told us of the perils he faces living in the U.S. as an illegal alien, "When I finished my schooling in Canada I dreamt that if I could only get across the river into America it would be so much better, but, how wrong I was. I live above a hardware store, I have to work two jobs just to survive. I work days in an E.R. and nights doing knee and hip surgery in a clinic, behind a feed store. It pays me peanuts but, it's all the work I can find. How wrong I was to leave my country behind."
The Harpoville Post has learned if this bill is passed in America the illegal aliens will have ten to twenty years to pack they're bags and get out of the country that used to reap the rewards of their cheap labor and now wants nothing to do with them.
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