Bush Meets Martin in Mexico

"A home away from home or a new home?"
The Harpoville Post reports that U.S. President G.W. Bush eyes Canada as more than a friend and more like a refuge.
The Harpoville Post has learned that G.W. has been eyeing Canada as a new country in which to live once his term in office is over. G.W. is looking forward to meeting with Harpo as an in on where to live, now he sees the writting on the wall, and with his poll numbers dropping quicker than a B.C. ferry off the coast, maybe he feels it's time to make a move.
The Harpoville Post has obtained a transcript of the conversation between G.W. and our Leader Harpo that was held earlier this week.
G.W.: Martin you there?
Harpo: I am Sir, though it's Harper, and thank you for taking my call.
G.W.: No problem, your country, your call, glad to take it.
Harpo: So, I am really looking forward to some R&R down in Mexico with you sir.
G.W.: You are? You ever been to Mexico Martin?
Harpo: No Sir, I've never been out of Canada, except for going to Afghanistan. And it's Harper, Sir.
G.W.: And what a shit hole that place is. Just remember to lay on the sun screen.
Harpo: You think so, Sir?
G.W.: I've seen a picture of your puggy pink suit Martin, time for a trip to the gym, trust me ten minutes in the Mexican sun and they'll servin' you up with refried beans.
Harpo: I'll write that down Sir., and it's Harper, Do you remeber the old Edward Bear song, 'you and me down in Mexico?'
G.W.: Sounds like the seventies?
Harpo: Yes Sir, I believe it was.
G.W.: Tell you the truth the seventies were a blur to me, a great big blur.
Harpo: Well I hope we'll have time to talk about softwood while we're there.
G.W.: You still got a problem with your softwood Martin?
Harpo: No Sir, those blue pills you sent cleared that up, and it's Harper, Sir.
G.W.: Your wife must be pleased.
Harpo: I don't waste them on the wife; Ms. Bunker is enjoying them though.
G.W.: Good advice Martin don't waste your camping trip in the tent, take it outside, you know what I mean?
Harpo: I'll remember that Sir, and it's Harper.
G.W.: So, remember to bring some real estate brochures with you when you pack.
Harpo: Canadian or Mexican?
G.W.: Wise up Martin, I've spent too much time in Mexico to live there. I'm thinking Canada might be the place to retire to. What'a think?
Harpo: It's Harpe, and wow, that would be great. But, what would you do?
G.W.: How many terms in office can you have Martin?
Harpo: Unlimited, Sir, and it's Harper.
G.W.: Let's talk about that too when we get together.
Harpo: I'll be looking forward to it Sir.
G.W.: I'm sure you are, see you in Mexico, Martin.(hangs up)
Harpo: It's Harper, Sir, Har-per.
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