God Too Busy to Answer Prayer

Prayer Proved Problematic Prognosis
The Harpoville Post reports of a new Christian medical study that has come to pass and to the conclusion that prayer proves piss-poor at healing the sick.
The Harpoville Post has learned of a 2.4 Million dollar study using three prayer groups to pray for 600 sick patients. Some of the patients were informed that prayer was being done on them some were not. Of the three prayer groups one prayer group was told to pray for the sick, one prayer group was told to pray for a new car the other prayer group offered a placebo prayer and one odd looking man was asked to pray for sex. When the results were tallied it was easy to see none of the prayers were answered. Most of the sick patients remained in poor health or died none of the prayers received a new car and the lone odd looking man still remained sexless.
The Harpoville Post asked leading Harpoville theologian Chris Almyti, whether we should just save our breath and resolve to the truth that maybe God is way too busy somewhere else to listen to our constant self serving sniffling about what we want to make our lives better while we are as useless as a burning bush at getting off our asses and doing anything about it, and he said, "I don't think so, I'd say if it feels good do it, if it leaves you feeling good because you've done it, isn't that good enough, just stop whining about it."
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